Art has long been recognized as one of the more stable forms of investment. But it can also be a risky one in this current age of fake reproductions and fraud. Art appraising is an indispensable service to use to protect those investments.
Whether it is to appraise a single work for the purposes of a claim, auction, consignment, or loan; or a total collection inventory for insurance purposes, an appraiser can sign off on your art as a numerical value.
Whether you want to sell a work or just want to protect your collection, a competitive rate for single or comprehensive services by Anna A. Matos, a USPAP Certified Appraiser can be offered.
Single Work Appraisal:
photograph of work; including front, back, sides and any distinguishing features (or for the purpose of a claim, any damages)
full work description of the art for records or claims
evaluation of work in terms of current art world market (primary and secondary) and artist information
an estimated value of worth for current market
Collection Inventory Appraisal:
on site visit to document all works of the collection for the inventory process (Covid-19 measures in effect: virtual meeting and calls preferred, on-site visit will include social distancing, masks and gloves)
documentation of each work (photographs, notes)
full work descriptions of the art as well as evaluations and estimated value of worth for current market
a full electronic and hard-copy document of the collection
Single Work Appraisal - $200.00
Collection Inventory Appraisal - $100.00 for on-site visit and strategy (reduced price of $65.00 for virtual meeting and strategy discussion); $75.00/hour of research work after